Project Summary
The project 'Performing languages' explores the intersection between performing arts (drama, poetry in performance, etc), language learning, intercultural understanding and European identity. We believe that promoting links between theatre and language learning activities is a powerful way to explore intercultural and identity issues.
The project brings together amateur theatre groups and language teachers and trainers from different European countries. It aims to enable participants to gain a better understanding of drama as a tool for language and culture learning and intercultural communication. Through the mobilities, participants will be involved in joint drama and language activities with people from other countries and cultures; they will not necessarily all be fluent speakers of a common language, or be familiar with each other's cultural backgrounds.
The partnership is also a collaborative platform for exploring the role of Open Educational Resources in drama, language and intercultural education in Europe. Although the primary aim of the learning partnership is not to produce materials but to share experiences and develop common understandings, the resources we produce for our project (such as workshop activities, lesson plans, texts and video recordings) will be made into Open Educational Resources (OER), freely available under a Creative Commons licence. They will be available to all those, beyond the project partners, who are also working in the lifelong learning areas of drama, language learning and intercultural education. In this way, we will ensure that the experiences and ideas from this project can be either replicated by others as such, or adapted to their specific context and needs, thus increasing the impact of the project.
The project brings together amateur theatre groups and language teachers and trainers from different European countries. It aims to enable participants to gain a better understanding of drama as a tool for language and culture learning and intercultural communication. Through the mobilities, participants will be involved in joint drama and language activities with people from other countries and cultures; they will not necessarily all be fluent speakers of a common language, or be familiar with each other's cultural backgrounds.
The partnership is also a collaborative platform for exploring the role of Open Educational Resources in drama, language and intercultural education in Europe. Although the primary aim of the learning partnership is not to produce materials but to share experiences and develop common understandings, the resources we produce for our project (such as workshop activities, lesson plans, texts and video recordings) will be made into Open Educational Resources (OER), freely available under a Creative Commons licence. They will be available to all those, beyond the project partners, who are also working in the lifelong learning areas of drama, language learning and intercultural education. In this way, we will ensure that the experiences and ideas from this project can be either replicated by others as such, or adapted to their specific context and needs, thus increasing the impact of the project.
Project objectives:
- to investigate and promote the use of drama techniques in foreign language and intercultural education. - to investigate and promote plurilingual and intercultural experiences and a reflection on European identity through drama. - to create opportunities for intercultural interactions among European learners, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, older learners, and part-time and voluntary trainers who don’t often have these opportunities. - to explore together how the philosophy of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement can be helpful in the promotion of lifelong learning, especially in the fields of drama and intercultural education, building on the OU expertise in this area. - to make the resources we develop for the project available as OER. This will enable anyone beyond the project partners to reuse, translate or adapt to their own language, setting or context any of the project resources for using drama for language teaching and learning and intercultural understanding. |